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100+ Movies like Insidious

2011 Horror, Thriller

Insidious is a supernatural horror film that delves into the terrifying realm of astral projection and the sinister entities that lurk in the purgatory dimension known as "The Further." When a young boy, Dalton, becomes trapped in this nightmarish realm, his family seeks the help of a psychic to rescue him. However, their victory comes at a chilling cost, as an evil spirit possesses the father, Josh. This page explores similar movies that explore themes of paranormal activity, demonic possession, and the haunting consequences of venturing into the unknown. Prepare to uncover a chilling collection of films that will leave you questioning the boundaries between our world and the realms beyond.

The Skeptic

The Skeptic


Both "Insidious" and "The Skeptic" involve skeptical protagonists who initially dismiss supernatural occurrences in their homes, only to later discover that the hauntings are real and connected to traumatic events from their pasts. In "Insidious", Josh Lambert suppressed memories of his ability to astral project and an evil spirit that tormented him as a child, while in "The Skeptic", Bryan Beckett repressed memories of accidentally causing his mother's death. The movies follow a similar arc of the protagonists denying the paranormal activity, seeking rational explanations, and eventually being forced to confront the dark truths from their childhoods that manifest as malevolent supernatural forces. Both films climax with the protagonists entering a spiritual realm to face their demons, and end with a twist revealing that an evil entity has possessed or deceived the protagonist.

Insidious: The Red Door

Insidious: The Red Door


"Insidious: The Red Door" is a direct sequel to "Insidious" that continues the story of the Lambert family and their encounters with the supernatural realm known as The Further. The key similarities are: - The central plot revolves around the Lambert family members, particularly Josh and his son Dalton, who possess the ability to astral project and travel to The Further. - Dalton gets trapped in The Further, mirroring his initial experience in the first film, and Josh must venture into the realm to rescue him. - The red-faced demon from the original film returns as a malevolent force tormenting the Lamberts. - Josh's past trauma and possession by the evil spirit of the old woman is revisited, and he must confront it again to save his family. - The concept of The Further, a purgatory dimension inhabited by tortured souls, remains a central element driving the supernatural events. - Elise Rainier's spirit makes an appearance, tying the events to her involvement in the first film. - The theme of family bonds and the lengths parents will go to protect their children is prevalent in both films.

Insidious: Chapter 2

Insidious: Chapter 2


"Insidious: Chapter 2" is a direct sequel to "Insidious" that continues the story of the Lambert family and their encounters with the supernatural realm known as The Further. Both movies revolve around the ability of astral projection, where the consciousness can leave the physical body and travel to other dimensions. In the first movie, Dalton's astral form gets trapped in The Further, while in the sequel, Josh becomes possessed by the malevolent spirit of Parker Crane after venturing into The Further to rescue Dalton. The movies share key characters like Josh, Renai, Dalton, and Elise Rainier, the psychic investigator. They also explore similar themes of demonic possession, haunted houses, and the dangers of the astral plane. The sequel provides backstory and context for events in the first movie, such as Josh's childhood experiences with astral projection and Elise's involvement in suppressing his abilities. Both movies culminate in intense battles against evil spirits from The Further, with the family's safety at stake.

Insidious: The Last Key

Insidious: The Last Key


"Insidious: The Last Key" is a prequel that explores the backstory of Elise Rainier, the psychic medium from "Insidious". Both movies deal with the concept of astral projection and the supernatural realm called "The Further", where malevolent spirits reside. In "The Last Key", Elise confronts her traumatic childhood and a demonic entity known as Keyface, who tormented her family and trapped souls in The Further, paralleling the red-faced demon that captured Dalton in "Insidious". The movies share the theme of overcoming fear and confronting past traumas to defeat evil spirits. Elise's journey in "The Last Key" sets up her involvement in the events of "Insidious", where she helps the Lambert family rescue Dalton from The Further. The movies are connected through Elise's character and her abilities to traverse the spirit world.

Insidious: Chapter 3

Insidious: Chapter 3


Insidious: Chapter 3 is a prequel to Insidious, set 3 years before the events of the first film. Both movies revolve around the concept of astral projection and the supernatural realm known as "The Further", where malevolent spirits reside. In Chapter 3, Elise Rainier, the psychic from the first movie, helps teenager Quinn Brenner who is being haunted by a demonic entity called the Man Who Can't Breathe. Similar to the first film, Elise enters The Further to confront the evil spirit and save Quinn, just as she did to rescue Dalton Lambert. The movies share the common theme of the living being tormented by dark forces from The Further, and Elise using her abilities to combat these threats. Chapter 3 also sets up the events of Insidious by introducing the Bride in Black demon that will later haunt Elise, foreshadowing her eventual death at the hands of the possessed Josh Lambert in the first film.

The Uninvited

The Uninvited


Both "Insidious" and "The Uninvited" involve a family moving into a new home that is haunted by supernatural entities. The protagonists in both films experience terrifying paranormal events and visions of malevolent spirits. A key similarity is the presence of a young child who becomes a target or conduit for the evil forces, with Dalton in "Insidious" astral projecting into a purgatory realm called "The Further", and the baby in "The Uninvited" being sought for a sacrificial ritual. The films also share the theme of overcoming fears, whether it's Josh confronting the spirit that tormented him as a child in "Insidious", or Lee battling her agoraphobia in "The Uninvited". Additionally, both movies feature psychics or paranormal investigators who assist the families in understanding and combating the supernatural threats they face.

The Diabolical

The Diabolical


Both "Insidious" and "The Diabolical" involve families experiencing paranormal events in their homes, with malevolent supernatural entities terrorizing them. The plots center around the children being targeted or affected by these dark forces - in Insidious, Dalton's astral projection leads to his comatose state and capture in the spirit realm, while in The Diabolical, Jacob is haunted by visions of his future self. The families seek help from paranormal investigators and psychics to understand and combat the hauntings. A key revelation is that the supernatural occurrences are linked to the children's unique abilities - Dalton's astral projection and Jacob's connection to his future self through a teleportation experiment. The climax involves the fathers, Josh and Nikolai, confronting the evil entities to save their sons, though with tragic consequences as Josh becomes possessed and Madison is transported to the future. Both films explore themes of the supernatural preying on the innocent, the power of the parent-child bond, and the blurring of reality and the spirit world.

Come Back to Me

Come Back to Me


Both "Insidious" and "Come Back to Me" explore supernatural themes involving the ability of certain characters to transcend the physical realm. In "Insidious", Dalton and Josh possess the power to astral project their consciousness into a purgatory dimension called "The Further", paralleling Dale's ability in "Come Back to Me" to resurrect the dead by bringing their souls back from the afterlife. The movies share a central conflict of the protagonists venturing into these otherworldly realms to rescue loved ones trapped there - Josh entering The Further to save Dalton, and Sarah attempting to free Josh from Dale's cycle of murder and resurrection. Malevolent supernatural entities, such as the red-faced demon in "Insidious" and the resurrected victims in "Come Back to Me", pose threats that the characters must overcome. Both films build tension through paranormal events and visions experienced by the characters before the truth is revealed. Ultimately, the movies climax with confrontations against the evil forces, though "Insidious" ends on a darker note with Josh becoming possessed.




Both "Insidious" and "Incarnate" revolve around the concept of astral projection and the ability of certain individuals to project their consciousness into a spiritual realm inhabited by malevolent entities. In "Insidious", Dalton and Josh possess this ability, allowing Dalton to become trapped in "The Further" and Josh to venture there to rescue him. Similarly, in "Incarnate", Dr. Seth Ember has the power to enter the subconscious dreams of possessed individuals to evict the demons controlling them. The movies share the central conflict of the protagonists battling demonic forces that seek to possess and control human hosts. In "Insidious", the Lambert family is tormented by spirits, including a red-faced demon, while in "Incarnate", Dr. Ember confronts the demon "Maggie" who has possessed a young boy. Both films climax with the protagonists entering the spiritual realm to confront and defeat the evil entities. Additionally, both movies explore the idea of suppressed memories and past traumas related to the protagonists' abilities. Josh had suppressed his memories of astral projection, while Dr. Ember hid his powers to live a normal life until a tragic event involving his family motivated him to hunt demons. The movies also feature psychic characters, Elise in "Insidious" and Felix in "Incarnate", who aid the protagonists in their battles against the supernatural.

A Haunted House 2

A Haunted House 2


Both "Insidious" and "A Haunted House 2" revolve around families being tormented by supernatural entities in their homes. The main characters in both movies experience paranormal events like strange noises, apparitions, and objects moving on their own. A key similarity is the presence of a demonic force that tries to possess or harm the family members, especially the children. The movies also feature psychics or paranormal investigators who attempt to help the families understand and combat the evil forces. Ultimately, the protagonists must venture into a spiritual realm (The Further in "Insidious", the demon's realm in "A Haunted House 2") to rescue their loved ones and confront the malevolent entities. However, their victories are short-lived as the movies end with a twist revealing that a demonic presence has possessed or infiltrated the family, setting up a potential sequel.




Both "Insidious" and "Abandoned" involve a family moving into a new home that is haunted by malevolent supernatural entities. In both films, the families experience disturbing paranormal events, with their young children becoming the target of the evil spirits. The plots revolve around the parents' struggle to protect their children and uncover the dark history behind the hauntings. Ultimately, the fathers in both movies must confront the demonic forces by entering a spiritual realm to rescue their sons. The films explore themes of the afterlife, possession, and the lengths parents will go to safeguard their families from supernatural threats. The climax of each movie involves a shocking twist where the father becomes possessed by an evil spirit, leaving the family in peril.




Both "Insidious" and "Separation" involve families haunted by malevolent supernatural entities. In "Insidious", the Lambert family's son Dalton becomes trapped in a spiritual realm called "The Further", allowing evil spirits to invade their home. Similarly in "Separation", the Vahn family's home is haunted by the vengeful ghost of the mother Maggie after her death. Both movies feature a psychic medium (Elise in "Insidious", Maggie's ghost in "Separation") who helps the families understand and confront the paranormal forces. The fathers, Josh Lambert and Jeff Vahn, must journey into the spiritual realm to rescue their children from the clutches of the evil spirits. Ultimately, the families triumph over the supernatural threats, but with a dark twist ending where a loved one is revealed to be possessed.

Jacob's Hammer

Jacob's Hammer


Both "Insidious" and "Jacob's Hammer" revolve around a child who is a conduit for supernatural, malevolent forces. In "Insidious", Dalton has the ability to astral project and becomes trapped in the spirit realm called "The Further", allowing evil entities to attempt possessing his physical body. Similarly, in "Jacob's Hammer", there is something sinister about the young Jacob that causes ghostly apparitions and brutal tragedies around him, hinting that he may be possessed or connected to an evil force. The central conflict in both films involves the parents, particularly the mother, having to confront and overcome these dark supernatural threats to their child and family. The movies build suspense and horror through paranormal events and visions of disturbing spirits and demons.




Both "Insidious" and "Poltergeist" revolve around a family being haunted by malevolent supernatural entities after moving into a new home. In both films, a child becomes the target of these entities and is trapped in a spiritual realm, with their comatose body left behind. The parents seek help from paranormal experts to rescue their child from this realm and confront the evil forces. The movies explore themes of the afterlife, astral projection, and the ability of certain individuals to communicate with spirits. They feature intense horror sequences as the families battle against the demonic entities invading their homes. Ultimately, the families triumph over the supernatural threats, but with a chilling twist ending suggesting the evil may not be fully vanquished.

The Amityville Terror

The Amityville Terror


Both "Insidious" and "The Amityville Terror" involve families moving into haunted houses where supernatural entities torment them. In both movies, a family member (Dalton in Insidious, Shae in Amityville Terror) becomes possessed by an evil spirit from another realm. The families seek help from paranormal investigators/psychics (Elise in Insidious, Jenny in Amityville Terror) to understand and combat the dark forces. A key plot point is the existence of a portal or gateway to a spiritual dimension (The Further in Insidious, a portal to Hell in Amityville Terror) that allows malevolent entities to cross over. The climax involves a confrontation to rescue the possessed family member and banish the evil presence, though in Insidious the evil spirit manages to possess another character in a shocking twist ending.

The Conjuring 2

The Conjuring 2


Both "Insidious" and "The Conjuring 2" involve paranormal investigators (Elise Rainier and the Warrens) who are called to help families being terrorized by demonic entities. In both films, a child (Dalton in "Insidious", Janet in "The Conjuring 2") becomes possessed or trapped in a spiritual realm, requiring the investigators to venture into the supernatural world to rescue them. The investigators have psychic abilities and visions that guide them in their battles against the evil forces. Ultimately, the demons are confronted and defeated, though with a twist ending in "Insidious" where the demon succeeds in possessing the father. The movies share themes of the supernatural invading the domestic sphere and the power of faith and determination to overcome dark forces.

Bed Rest

Bed Rest


Both "Insidious" and "Bed Rest" involve a family being tormented by malevolent supernatural entities that target a child. In "Insidious", the son Dalton's astral projection ability allows a demonic spirit to capture his consciousness in the spiritual realm called "The Further", leaving his body comatose and vulnerable to possession. Similarly in "Bed Rest", the pregnant mother Julie experiences visions of her deceased son Andrew, who warns her that a vengeful ghost named Melandra wants to take her unborn daughter. The movies follow the parents' struggles to rescue their children from the clutches of these evil forces, culminating in a climactic confrontation where the families must confront and overcome the supernatural threats to protect their loved ones. Both films explore themes of parenthood, loss, and the lengths one would go to safeguard their family from dark, otherworldly forces.

Dark Skies

Dark Skies


Both "Insidious" and "Dark Skies" revolve around a family being terrorized by supernatural forces that target one of their children. In "Insidious", Dalton's ability to astral project leads to his consciousness being trapped in a purgatory realm called "The Further", while in "Dark Skies", the Barrett family is targeted by extraterrestrial beings known as "the Greys" who show interest in abducting one of the sons, Sammy. The families in both movies experience disturbing paranormal events in their homes, such as strange noises, objects moving on their own, and apparitions appearing. They seek help from experts - a psychic medium in "Insidious" and a specialist in "Dark Skies" - to understand and combat the forces threatening their families. Ultimately, the fathers (Josh and Daniel) must confront the supernatural entities to rescue their sons, with Josh entering "The Further" and Daniel attempting to defend his home against the Greys' invasion. Both movies build tension through escalating paranormal occurrences before climaxing in a final confrontation with the malevolent forces.

Ouija: Origin of Evil

Ouija: Origin of Evil


Both "Insidious" and "Ouija: Origin of Evil" revolve around families being haunted and terrorized by malevolent supernatural entities. In both films, a young child becomes a conduit for these evil spirits to enter the physical world - Dalton through astral projection in "Insidious", and Doris through the Ouija board in "Ouija". The families seek help from paranormal experts (Elise and her team in "Insidious", Father Tom in "Ouija") to understand and combat the demonic forces. A key plot point is the revelation that the spirits have a dark history tied to the family's home, where disturbing events occurred in the past. The climax involves a family member venturing into the spiritual realm to rescue the possessed child, culminating in a terrifying confrontation with the main evil entity. Tragically, despite their efforts, the malicious spirits ultimately succeed in possessing a family member, leaving the story on a chilling cliffhanger.

The Messengers

The Messengers


Both "Insidious" and "The Messengers" involve families moving into haunted houses where supernatural entities torment them. In both films, the families initially dismiss the paranormal events until they escalate and become undeniable. A key similarity is the presence of a child who can perceive the ghosts, with Dalton in "Insidious" having the ability to astral project and the young son Ben in "The Messengers" being haunted by the spirits of a murdered family. The plots revolve around the families seeking help from paranormal experts to understand and confront the malevolent forces. Ultimately, the evil spirits are revealed to be tied to past traumas and unresolved conflicts, with the families having to confront these dark histories to overcome the hauntings. Both movies explore themes of family, trauma, and the blurring of the lines between the living and the dead.