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100+ Movies like Clueless

1995 Comedy, Romance

Clueless is a 1995 teen comedy that follows the life of Cher Horowitz, a wealthy and fashionable high school student in Beverly Hills. The movie revolves around Cher's attempts to play matchmaker for her teachers and give a makeover to a new student, Tai, while navigating her own romantic feelings for her ex-stepbrother, Josh. With its themes of friendship, self-discovery, and finding purpose beyond a superficial lifestyle, Clueless has become a beloved classic. This page lists movies with similar plots that explore the lives of privileged teenagers, high school relationships and cliques, makeover storylines, and coming-of-age journeys filled with humor and heart.

Geek Charming

Geek Charming


Both "Geek Charming" and "Clueless" center around a popular, wealthy high school girl who initially values superficial things like status and appearance. Through interactions with a more grounded male character, she undergoes a transformation and realizes the importance of inner qualities and being a good person. The popular girl gives a makeover to a less popular student, straining their friendship. She also pursues a romantic interest who turns out to be incompatible. After a period of self-reflection, she reconciles with her friends, embraces her true feelings for the grounded male character, and shifts her priorities to more meaningful pursuits. The movies parallel each other in the character arcs of the popular girl maturing and developing more substance, as well as the themes of friendship, self-discovery, and looking beyond surface-level judgments.

A Little Thing Called Love

A Little Thing Called Love


Both "A Little Thing Called Love" and "Clueless" center around a teenage girl who undergoes a transformation and journey of self-discovery while navigating high school social dynamics and romantic interests. The protagonists, Nam and Cher, start out as superficial and focused on appearance and popularity, but gradually develop more depth and empathy through their experiences. They each take an awkward, less popular student under their wing and attempt to give them a makeover, which backfires in unexpected ways. A key part of their character arcs involves realizing their true feelings for a close male friend who they initially overlooked. The movies explore themes of friendship, first love, and learning to look beyond surface-level judgments. The endings see the protagonists mature emotionally and gain fulfillment through self-acceptance and embracing their authentic selves.




Both "Thirteen" and "Clueless" center around teenage girls from wealthy families who undergo transformations and explore new social circles, leading them down paths of rebellion and self-discovery. The main characters, Tracy and Cher, start as naive and sheltered but become influenced by more popular and edgy peers, Evie and Tai respectively. They adopt new styles and behaviors that concern their parents. However, through these experiences, they gain self-awareness and maturity, repairing relationships with family and friends. The movies parallel each other in depicting the complexities of adolescence, peer pressure, and finding one's identity amidst privilege. Romantic subplots involving Josh also play a role in the protagonists' growth.

The Clique

The Clique


Both "The Clique" and "Clueless" center around a wealthy, popular teenage girl who initially acts as a mean-spirited bully towards a new student at her school. In The Clique, Massie Block is the leader of the "Pretty Committee" clique who bullies the new student Claire Lyons. In Clueless, Cher Horowitz is a popular and privileged student who gives a makeover to the new student Tai Frasier, but also mocks and excludes her at times. In both films, the protagonist eventually realizes her cruel behavior is wrong and undergoes personal growth, becoming friends with the student she initially mistreated. The movies explore themes of high school cliques, popularity, wealth, and learning to be a better person. They follow a similar story arc of the popular girl bullying the new girl, then having a change of heart and making amends by the end.

Love Don't Co$t a Thing

Love Don't Co$t a Thing


Both "Love Don't Co$t a Thing" and "Clueless" follow a similar plot arc of a privileged, popular high school girl taking an unpopular student under her wing and giving them a makeover to help them gain popularity and social status. In the process, the popular girl develops genuine feelings for the unpopular student and realizes the shallowness of her social circle. There is also a romantic subplot involving the popular girl developing feelings for an older male figure who initially mocks her superficial lifestyle. By the end, the popular girl undergoes personal growth, reconciles with her true friends, and ends up in a relationship with the older male figure she initially dismissed. The movies explore themes of popularity, social status, superficiality, and finding one's true self.

Youth in Revolt

Youth in Revolt


Both "Youth in Revolt" and "Clueless" center around a privileged teenage protagonist who undergoes a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. In Youth in Revolt, shy Nick Twisp creates an alter-ego François to pursue his romantic interest Sheeni, while in Clueless, Cher Horowitz tries to play matchmaker for others before realizing her own feelings for Josh. The protagonists start out superficial and naive but learn valuable lessons about relationships, empathy, and finding purpose. Key plot points involve romantic entanglements, strained friendships, and the protagonists' misguided attempts to control situations that ultimately lead to personal epiphanies. The movies share themes of teenage angst, social status, and the transition from adolescence to adulthood in an affluent setting.




Both "#realityhigh" and "Clueless" follow a similar story arc of a popular, wealthy teenage girl who initially focuses on superficial things like fashion, popularity, and romance. However, through various experiences and relationships, she undergoes personal growth and learns to value deeper things like genuine friendship, compassion, and finding purpose in life. In "Reality High", Dani gets drawn into the popular crowd by her former bully Alexa, losing sight of her true self and friends in the process. Similarly, in "Clueless", Cher is initially consumed by her privileged lifestyle and attempts to play matchmaker for others. Both girls eventually realize the emptiness of their superficial pursuits and the importance of sincerity and meaningful connections. The movies parallel each other in the character arcs of the protagonists, who start as image-obsessed teenagers but mature into more grounded, empathetic individuals by the end. Their journeys involve navigating high school social dynamics, romantic interests, and strained friendships before ultimately finding their way back to their authentic selves and values.

The Princess Diaries

The Princess Diaries


Both "The Princess Diaries" and "Clueless" follow the story of a privileged teenage girl who undergoes a transformation and gains a new perspective on life. In The Princess Diaries, Mia Thermopolis discovers she is heir to the throne of a European kingdom and must learn to become a princess, while in Clueless, Cher Horowitz is a wealthy and popular student who decides to give a makeover to a new student, Tai. The protagonists initially have a superficial view of the world but through their experiences, they develop greater empathy and maturity. They face challenges in their relationships with friends and romantic interests, and ultimately find self-acceptance and personal growth. The movies explore themes of identity, friendship, and the contrast between privileged and ordinary lives.

Face 2 Face

Face 2 Face


Both "Face 2 Face" and "Clueless" center around teenage protagonists navigating high school social dynamics and relationships. Cher in Clueless and Madison in Face 2 Face are popular, wealthy girls who initially come across as superficial but undergo character growth. They take on "projects" of helping less popular peers (Tai and Teel) gain confidence and social status through makeovers. However, their relationships with these projects become complicated by romantic misunderstandings and realizations about their own feelings. The protagonists also have strained relationships with parental figures - Cher's father is distant, while Madison's father is abusive. Ultimately, they learn to look beyond surface appearances and social status, developing more meaningful connections with others like Josh and Teel who appreciate them for who they are. The movies explore themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the challenges of adolescence in an affluent setting.

Bring It On: All or Nothing

Bring It On: All or Nothing


Both "Bring It On: All or Nothing" and "Clueless" center around a wealthy, popular teenage girl who undergoes a major life change that forces her to adapt to a new environment and social circle. In "Bring It On: All or Nothing," Britney's family loses their wealth and she must adjust to life in a working-class neighborhood and school. Similarly, in "Clueless," Cher is a privileged Beverly Hills student who initially struggles to understand those from different backgrounds. The protagonists in each film take an initially superficial girl under their wing and attempt to give them a makeover and boost their popularity, though this backfires as the protégé's newfound status strains the relationship. Britney joins the cheer team at her new school, while Cher makes over the new student Tai. Both movies explore themes of friendship, self-discovery, and learning to look beyond surface appearances and social status. The main characters undergo personal growth by expanding their worldviews and developing more empathy and depth. Romantic subplots also feature prominently, with Britney and Cher each developing feelings for an intellectual male character who challenges their shallow perspectives.




Both "The DUFF" and "Clueless" center around a popular, wealthy teenage girl who initially values superficial things like appearance and social status. They undergo a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, realizing the importance of inner beauty, being true to oneself, and not judging others based on shallow criteria. The main characters help makeover a less popular girl, only to later realize their own flaws and insecurities. They confront the mean girl antagonist who bullies others out of her own insecurities. In the end, the protagonists find acceptance and happiness by embracing their authentic selves and surrounding themselves with genuine friends who appreciate them for who they are. The movies parallel each other in exploring themes of self-acceptance, friendship, and the dangers of judging people solely on superficial qualities.

Mean Girls

Mean Girls


Both "Mean Girls" and "Clueless" center around a wealthy, popular teenage girl who initially focuses on superficial things like fashion and social status at her high school. However, she undergoes personal growth by befriending an outsider and taking them under her wing, giving them a makeover and helping them navigate the school's social hierarchy. This leads to a rift with her former popular friends and a realization that she has become too obsessed with image and popularity. Ultimately, she learns to value inner qualities over superficial ones, reconciles with her friends, and finds romance with a more grounded love interest who appreciates her true self. The movies parallel each other in depicting the protagonist's journey from a shallow, image-conscious teenager to a more mature, self-aware young woman.

The Bling Ring

The Bling Ring


Both "The Bling Ring" and "Clueless" center around wealthy, privileged teenagers in Beverly Hills who are obsessed with fashion, status, and celebrity culture. The main characters undergo a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, realizing the superficiality of their materialistic lifestyles. They initially use their wealth and social status to manipulate others and pursue shallow goals, but ultimately learn the importance of empathy, integrity, and meaningful relationships. The movies explore themes of identity, social class, and the corrupting influence of fame and consumerism on youth. The protagonists start as self-absorbed and vain but develop more grounded values through their experiences and relationships with others.

Valley Girl

Valley Girl


Both "Valley Girl" and "Clueless" follow the story of a wealthy, popular teenage girl from an affluent area (the Valley in Los Angeles for Valley Girl, Beverly Hills for Clueless) who undergoes a transformation and shift in values after meeting an unconventional love interest from a different social circle. The main characters, Julie and Cher, start out as superficial and focused on fashion and status, but their relationships with the rebellious Randy and socially conscious Josh open their eyes to different perspectives. They experience personal growth, develop more meaningful priorities, and ultimately choose to embrace their true selves rather than conform to societal expectations. The movies parallel each other in depicting the protagonists' journeys of self-discovery, challenging social norms, and finding fulfillment beyond material wealth and popularity.

Odd Girl Out

Odd Girl Out


Both "Odd Girl Out" and "Clueless" center around teenage girls navigating the complex social dynamics of high school and dealing with cliques, popularity, and bullying. The main characters, Vanessa in "Odd Girl Out" and Cher in "Clueless," start out as part of the popular crowd but eventually become outcasts and targets of bullying. They undergo personal growth and self-discovery, realizing the importance of true friendship and inner values over superficial popularity. The movies explore themes of peer pressure, self-acceptance, and the consequences of cruel behavior. Both protagonists ultimately stand up to their former friends and regain their self-worth, with the support of new, genuine friendships. The movies parallel each other in depicting the harsh realities of high school social hierarchies and the journey of finding one's true self.

True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet

True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet


"True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet" parallels "Clueless" in several key ways: - Both feature a wealthy, privileged teenage girl who is initially self-absorbed and superficial: Cher in "Clueless" and Morgan/Claudia in "True Confessions". - The protagonists undergo a transformation by being placed in a new environment away from their privileged lives, leading them to gain perspective and maturity. - They form new friendships and romantic interests in their new settings, which help shape their personal growth. - The stories follow their journeys of self-discovery, learning to appreciate others, and developing more substance beyond their initial shallowness. - Romantic subplots with male interests (Josh for Cher, Eli for Morgan/Claudia) play a central role in the character arcs. - The protagonists ultimately embrace their newfound wisdom and emerge as better versions of themselves by the end.

Daydream Nation

Daydream Nation


"Daydream Nation" parallels "Clueless" in its central premise of a wealthy, privileged teenage girl navigating high school social dynamics and relationships. Both films feature a popular, fashionable protagonist (Cher in "Clueless", Caroline in "Daydream Nation") who becomes infatuated with an older authority figure (Mr. Hall and Mr. Anderson respectively). This inappropriate relationship serves as a catalyst for the protagonist's personal growth and realization of more meaningful priorities. The films also depict the protagonist's makeover and mentorship of a new student (Tai in "Clueless", Thurston in "Daydream Nation"), leading to friendship strain. Ultimately, the protagonists mature by recognizing their superficiality, reconciling with friends, and pursuing an age-appropriate romantic interest (Josh in "Clueless", Thurston in "Daydream Nation"). Both films employ satire and dark humor to explore themes of teenage sexuality, class divides, and the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

My First Mister

My First Mister


Both "Clueless" and "My First Mister" center around an unlikely friendship between a teenage girl and an older man that helps the girl mature and gain perspective on life. In "Clueless", Cher develops a close bond with her ex-stepbrother Josh, who challenges her superficial worldview. Similarly, in "My First Mister", the goth teenager Jennifer forms a deep connection with her older boss Randall, who helps her find purpose and appreciate her family. Both movies explore themes of self-discovery, intergenerational relationships, and the transition from adolescence to adulthood through the lens of an unconventional mentorship. The teenage protagonists undergo personal growth by learning from their older, wiser counterparts, ultimately emerging with a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

The Choking Game

The Choking Game


Both "The Choking Game" and "Clueless" center around a wealthy, privileged teenage girl navigating the social dynamics of high school. Like Cher in Clueless, Taryn in The Choking Game is initially portrayed as superficial and focused on popularity, fashion, and romance. However, she undergoes a transformative experience - Cher through her efforts to help others, and Taryn through her dangerous involvement with the "choking game" - that forces her to re-evaluate her priorities and mature. The movies parallel each other in depicting the protagonists' journeys of self-discovery, their strained friendships with more grounded peers, and their eventual realizations about the importance of deeper human connections over superficial pursuits. Ultimately, both Cher and Taryn emerge from their respective experiences with greater empathy, purpose, and appreciation for their loved ones.

Dear Dumb Diary

Dear Dumb Diary


"Dear Dumb Diary" parallels "Clueless" in its focus on a wealthy, privileged teenage girl navigating high school social dynamics and relationships. Like Cher in "Clueless", Jamie is a well-meaning but initially superficial protagonist who undergoes personal growth by helping others and learning to appreciate inner beauty. Both movies feature a makeover subplot where the protagonist takes an unpopular girl under her wing, as well as romantic subplots involving the protagonist's interest in a male character. The movies also share themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the complexities of teenage life in an affluent setting. The resolution sees the protagonist maturing, solidifying her friendships, and finding romance.